10 year Exhibition:
80 Days in August: 10 Years Duwamish River Artist Residency at AMCE Creative ARts
November 19, 2022 – January 15, 2023
This group exhibition celebrates the 10th anniversary and final year of the Duwamish River Artist Residency. The show highlights the work of 13 of the residency artists, showcasing their unique practices in various media.
Exhibiting artists include Ethan Bickel, Chris Crites, Sheila Coppola, Tim Cross, Sue Danielson, Linda Davidson, Robert Hardgrave, Amanda Knowles, Steve MacFarlane, Fiona McGuigan, Gene Gentry McMahon, Juliet Shen, and Gillian Theobald. (The residency includes current member Emily Gherard and past members David Kane and Jessica Dodge.)
There will also be a printed show catalog available at the gallery.
Click here for the show press release.
AMcE Creative Arts (Capitol Hill)
612 19th Avenue E
Seattle, WA 98112
Author reading
The River That Made Seattle – Book talk With Author and Duwamish Historian BJ Cummings
In Partnership with Humanities Washington, co-presented by AIGA Link program, AMcE Creative Arts and the Duwamish River Artist Residency
Event is free and open to the public (masks required) but space is limited, please RSVP here.
Rescheduled to January 10th, 2023, 6pm - 7pm
Once teeming with bountiful salmon and fertile plains, Seattle’s Duwamish River drew both Native peoples and settlers to its shores over centuries for trading, transport, and sustenance. Unfortunately, the very utility of the river was its undoing, as decades of dumping led to the river being declared a Superfund cleanup site.
Much of Washington’s history has been told through the perspective of its colonizers, obscuring and mythologizing the changes to these lands that have long been occupied by Native peoples. Through the story of the river, author BJ Cummings explores previously unrecorded Native and immigrant histories, and exposes settler falsehoods about the founding of the state. The river’s story is a call to action to align future decisions with values of collaboration, respect, and justice.
About the author: BJ Cummings (she/her) founded the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition and manages community engagement for the University of Washington’s Superfund Research Program. She is the author of The River That Made Seattle: A Natural and Human History of the Duwamish, and she was awarded the River Network’s national River Hero award for her work leading community-based clean up and restoration of the Duwamish River.
Winnie Westergard photo credit. Artwork: ltr Steve McFarlane, Fiona McGuigan, Robert Hardgrave, Sue Danielson
Artist Talk - 10 Years of the Duwamish River Artist Residency:
Thank you all who joined us for the Artist Talk, wonderfully moderated by John Boylan. If you have any questions or follow-ups, please email us!
We acknowledge
that land we are on is the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.
“The river gets larger as it goes away.”
Recent Exhibition:
2021 Duwamish River Artist Residency at the Supperfield Museum, Museum of Museums, Seattle, WA
Supperfield Museum
Mini Museum, Full Size Drama!
No matter how many times we return, the river holds a surprise or two. The discovery of a stock pile logs removed from Elliott Bay and the Duwamish River, later to be used by the Port of Seattle for shoreline restoration, was visual magic. Then photographer, James Arzente, dropped by and, well, this happened.
Photo by James Arzente 2018.
Artists: Ethan Bickel, Chris Crites, Sheila Coppola, Tim Cross, Sue Danielson, Linda Davidson, Emily Gherard, Robert Hardgrave, Amanda Knowles, Steve MacFarlane, Fiona McGuigan, Gene Gentry McMahon and Juliet Shen, Gillian Theobald.
Roots that Clutch
Our new book about the Duwamish River Artist Residency: Art + Industry - Roots That Clutch, was just added to the Seattle Art Museum Library and the UW Special Collections.
Book design by Juliet Shen
Please contact us at info@duwamishresidency.com to purchase a copy
During the 2013 residency photographer and filmmaker, Anna-Mária Vág, joined us as a guest artist. This video was filmed below the First Avenue Bridge where you can frequently find us working.
All video content © 2013 Anna-Mária Vág | Westside Pictures LLC
Table Setting by Robert Hardgrave. Inspired by the Georgetown Steam Plant.